Explore Arrakis using iconic Dune technology, facing ever-changing deserts.
Production designer Patrice Vermette already has an Oscar for his work on the first instalment of the sand-swept sci-fi epic “Dune,” but he says earning another nomination for the elaborate sequel is ...
Lady Jessica obeyed the Bene Gesserit and gave birth to a girl. Duke Leto Atreides survived the assault on Arrakeen and is now locked in a brutal conflict with the Harkonnen over Arrakis and its ...
Duke Leto Atreides also survived the attack on Arrakeen, and is now in conflict with the Harkonnen over Arrakis’ valuable spice. In terms of looks, the art of the game is inspired by the award ...
and one where House Atredis was able to prepare for the Emperor’s betrayal and survive the Battle of Arrakeen. This opens up the future to many possibilities and is indeed where the player comes ...