Beyoncé said she missed out on certain musical influences when she was growing up. Here's why she thinks this was the case.
The Celtic folk duo, known as Cassie and Maggie, have been splitting their tours between Canada and the U.S. for 11 years.
Born in Kolkata in 1945, Anita’s roots go back to Karnapur village in Khulna. At the age of nine, she was admitted to Patha ...
The annual summer event will include sets from Early Eyes, Obi Original, Claire Doyle, Black Market Brass, and Javier ...
Holi is the festival of abandon, of barriers broken, of celebration without restraint. Probably why, of all the Indian ...
International concert pianist to host a masterclass for Positively Piano, a Stokesley-based piano group founded by Eleanor ...
The Shri Ram Universal School held a vibrant Graduation Ceremony for its pre-school students. The event was attended by ...
Celebrate Women’s History Month as we look back at Hazel Johnson’s Women in Jazz festival. It ran from 1986 to 1991 at the ...
Lazzarus, aka Diane Luckey, was the New York singer of the song “Goodbye Horses.” Originally from New Jersey, she had ...
Recorded at the Buckingham Palace, listeners will get a peek into the royal’s selected tunes from all over the Commonwealth ...
The FMH Foundation's $1M grant to Midland ISD will provide new instruments, enhancing music education for over 2,000 students ...
David Pastor trio featuring Anna Pauline & Mattias Nilsson at Barcelona Jamboree Sala 3 article by Artur Moral, published on ...