For travelers caught up in the Trump administration’s new policy on passports, leaving the country has become difficult or ...
The feds are adding thousands of beds to hold families in Texas, which reportedly holds the most immigrants of any state at ...
Civil rights organizations claim a disparity exists in LAPD traffic stops involving minorities, making the agency ineligible ...
When a transgender person's passport and Florida driver's license don't match, legal experts say it could cause problems for ...
House Republicans plan to scrap the governor's proposals to raise sin taxes to pay for tax credits and a new stadium for the ...
The letter is in response to President Donald Trump's order lifting a policy that had made schools off-limits to enforcement ...
COLUMBUS, Ohio - The ACLU of Ohio sent a letter to the president of Northeast Ohio Medical University, saying the school’s ...
The group was founded during World War I to defend Americans’ First Amendment freedoms. Over the years, that mission has ...
The result is going to be, like, Roblox doesn’t work in Arizona,” said Marilyn Rodriguez, who testified for the ACLU against ...
Two Harvard medical school professors are suing the Trump administration, arguing that their research was unfairly re ...
The ACLU calls Guantanamo “a remote, abusive prison” and a “site of grave human rights abuses.” Both assertions are false.