Vendors are a fixture at Rio’s Carnival street parties. They scour Instagram pages for times and locations, coordinate on ...
The ancient tradition of the Bell People in the Greek village of Distomo marks the end of carnival. Revelers clad themselves ...
Clowns complete with red noses and tutus sung Carnival songs to sick children on the pediatric ward of a Rio de Janeiro ...
Subtle hand signs coordinate the hundreds of pounding drummers in each of Rio de Janeiro’s glitzy Carnival parades. For many ...
Neymar's justification for missing a semifinal with Santos was criticized because he was seen at Carnival last week.
During Carnival, the small Brazilian town of Sao Luiz do Paraitinga’s calm everyday life transforms into a joyful party known ...
In Italy, Carnival celebrations have already begun, with numerous events set to be held throughout the country. Venice, as every year, is the capital of the celebrations. This year, the Venetian ...
Dozens of officers have camouflaged among revelers during Carnival festivities to arrest pickpockets in metropolis Sao Paulo dressed as clowns, priests and even characters from the Power Rangers TV ...
All Hail Rex! Rex King and Queen of Carnival held their traditional toasts as the parade made its way down the Uptown route. This year's Rex King of Carnival is Edward Howell Crosby, and his Queen ...
The grand Goa carnival is back! As Goa gears up for its biggest carnival yet, here’s what’s in store this year and full schedule of the dates and events. The annual Goa carnival will be ...