业内人士表示,吉利控股集团成为1月中国民营车企销量第一,主要得益于公司多元化技术路线覆盖插混、混动、燃油和纯电领域;产品价格区间广泛,满足各细分市场需求;注重品质和技术创新,摒弃低价竞争等。基于吉利加速布局智能汽车领域,多品牌发力向上,市场看好吉利在 ...
与特斯拉全栈造车不同,Waymo主打无人驾驶技术,而车辆采购自外部主机厂。 事实上,为Robotaxi运营商提供车辆,在吉利体系内并非首次。 早在2021 ...
据杨大成回忆,Waymo找到吉利是在2019年初,当时浩瀚M架构的概念基本已经形成,已经验证了一些工程上的可能性。 浩瀚架构是吉利早期布局电动车的一环。 浩瀚架构除了极氪,面向整个吉利 ...
「MIX如期进行交付,是吉利造车近三十年来,最具挑战的工程研发项目。」安聪慧在接受采访时表示,极氪MIX的开发投入,是一款中大型SUV的2.8倍 ...
Aurora’s stock had a wild ride this month and CEO Chris Urmson, who led Google’s self-driving car program in its pre-Waymo days, thinks it’s on the cusp of commercializing driverless trucks.
A self-driving Waymo car, which is not being blamed for the crash, was among six vehicles struck when a fast-moving vehicle slammed into a line of car stopped at a traffic light at the corner of 6 ...
Up to the start of 2024, Google’s self-driv­ing project Waymo had fer­ried pub­lic pas­sen­gers for 1mn trips since the ini­ti­at­ive began in 2009, not 1mn miles as wrongly stated in an ...
One of the cars was a Waymo, an autonomous driving vehicle. A spokesperson for Waymo said the car was unoccupied. According to the Waymo spokesperson, their car was struck by another car while it was ...
A collision involving seven vehicles, including a Waymo autonomous vehicle, closed streets Sunday night in San Francisco's South of Market and killed one person, officials said. Officers from the ...