depends upon human mind, mindset or state of mind. It is known as attitude.
iuQ, >d;khka" ld,hla ;siafia mj;sk bia,dï Nla;slhka jeä m%;sY;hla isák m%foaY Ißhd kS;sh wka;jd§ ;%ia; m%ydr yd Wm yuqod w;r hqO .egqï hgf;a jk md,khla lrd f.k ...
the nation state? What is the difference between Qualities of a Sovereign State. a country and a state? What is the criteria to be A sovereign state, sometimes called recognized as a sovereign state ...
m%ydr t,a, lsßfuka hd;%dfõ isá urdf.k uefrk ,nd ÿkako‍ uqyqfoa ;snQ r¿ iajNdjh u; th ;%ia;jdÈhd ñh .sh w;r" hd;%dj .sksf.k w,a,d .ekSug ug fkdyels úh' ta jk úg oefjñka fõ.fhka meñK wm hd;%dfõ msgqmi ...
óÕ iqúfYaIs isÿùu kï l¿mrúfhda .%ka:h uq¿ rgu yefrk nj;a˜ ks;r ks;r oekqj;a ...
ihqreir 44 jk l,dmh i`oyd bÈßm;a lrk ,o ks¾udK w;ßka wxY 4la hgf;a tla ...
2' .ïmy Èia;%slalh fk;g`h khtl;lk; .ïmy udjÜgï 3' l¨‍;r Èia;%slalh fSj;Jiw khtl;lk; l¨‍;a;=rhs udjÜgï ol=Kq m 4' .d,a, Èia;%slalh fhyp khtl;lk; .d,s ...
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is;=fjñ' Wm;ska tyd ÿgq ,iaik Ôú;hl ;j;a hd;%d 03la ÈhU fj; msg;a jQ w;r" fmaÿre;=vqj mqkremam;a;shla ms,sn|j uf.a is; ;= To jeã wdikakhg hd;%d lrñka isá wm yg oel .ekSug wjÈ jQ nj lsjukdh' 1982 jir ...
MARITIME DOCTRINE OF SRI LANKA National Security Policy National Security Policy (NSP) of Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka intends to secure sovereignty and territorial integrity of the ...
MARITIME DOCTRINE OF SRI LANKA targets at sea or in harbour. These operations entail engaging the enemy from the sea. Interdiction operations will be conducted to divert, disrupt, or destroy the enemy ...
MARITIME DOCTRINE OF SRI LANKA Network with Naval ICT systems without any interruption. Plans are afoot to upgrade data capacity and upgrade PABX to latest SIP enabled technology in keeping with the ...