No matter where you are in life, if you’re reading this, there’s always a reason to be happy, at least today. Finding those reasons is sometimes tricky, but we’re here to help. As a certified ...
Imagine biting into mouthwatering pasta carbonara only to discover a crunchy, inedible shrimp tail hidden in the creamy sauce. Much to the customer’s dismay, it’s a common experience, as many high-end ...
Everyone dreams of how their life would be if they didn’t have to work for a living. A user in a popular internet community asked: What would you do with your time if you didn’t have to work for money ...
Far too many older generations have this idea of millennials as children. Every time a baby boomer or Gen Xer sees a young adult, they automatically think Millennial. Photo Credit: sebra via ...
America is facing a mental health crisis. People are depressed, anxious, and overwhelmed at striking rates. Research shows that over 50 million adults face some type of mental health problem, and over ...
Monkey Business Images via Coast FIRE is both a type of financial independence (for those who enjoy their jobs and don’t want to quit) and a vital stepping- stone to true freedom.
Productivity is a buzzword often thrown around with efficiency and time management. Many only consider productivity at work, but personal productivity is one of the keys to building a better life.
Some people take their obsessions so far that it impacts their daily lives and the lives of those around them. Photo Credit: Mix and Match Studio via It’s OK to enjoy stuff or feel a ...
Some things run their course. Brands, ideas, and guidelines may shine like the brightest star, then lose their luster and public appeal. Although some highly respected brands destroy their image in a ...
Science changed the world. Humanity crawled out of caves and built massive cities, solved seemingly insolvable problems, and developed new ways of thinking. These famous scientists from Ancient Greece ...
Are you ready to write your first big novel? Before diving in, you need to master the literary elements, using them correctly to craft your tale and keep readers at the edge of their seats. Discover ...
Mild inconveniences should only have minor impacts on our life. They cause strife for a few minutes, then all returns to normal, and we forget everything. Photo Credit; Cast Of Thousands via ...