For the past 250 years, our nation has enjoyed a three-branch system of governance that ensures there are checks and balances ...
The Union County Board of Commissioners convenes Wednesday, March 19, for its regular meeting.The meeting starts at 9 a.m. in the Joseph Building Annex Conference Room, 1106 K Ave. in La Grande.
Our Founding Fathers were intelligent, honorable men dedicated to democracy. They didn’t have a crystal ball, but they ...
East Oregonian, some Union County commissioners questioned the constitutionality of term limits. In 2016, 5,578 voters (68%) ...
Lights, camera, action! Or in this case — luces, camara, accion! Eastern Oregon University throughout April premieres its ...
I’ve lived through 22 presidential elections and I have never been as scared as I am now. I thought Jan. 6 was the worst ...
The man accused of killing his girlfriend in a John Day motel room is facing additional charges after a grand jury issued an indictment in the case. Gary Dylan Cavan, 42, was arraigned March 6 in ...
I was not around in 1896 when the Supreme Court case, Plessey v. Fergeson, gave Black children the right to attend school in ...
Upon learning that no letter to the editor supporting the current president has been received by the East Oregonian, I had to ...
My designated eater (DE) and I have a long history with 10 Depot Street. DE has been a devoted friend to Sandy Sorrels since ...
Board members of the Columbia Development Authority were prepared to reprimand or even fire Executive Director Greg Smith in September 2024 over an inaccurate federal grant application. According to ...