Gen Zers are crying an ocean over the saga of a small anglerfish that perished shortly after swimming to the surface, as seen ...
A huge Mola Mola fish, also known as an ocean sunfish, found itself stranded near the Florida coast. What's a very large and strange fish. Here's what it is.
A scary-looking creature with “devil” in its name was spotted close to the surface off Tenerife, a Spanish island.
The once-in-a-lifetime footage was captured in Tenerife last week and showed a lonely anglerfish swimming towards the surface ...
The marine photographer who captured the footage said it could be the world's first recorded sighting of a black seadevil ...
These fishing stories about huge muskies, mad sharks, and exhausting fights were almost unbelievable at the time.
Footage recorded of the rare fish shows the intricacies of its iridescent, ribbon-looking body and long, wispy red fins.
This 375-million-year-old fish, the closest known relative of the ancestors of limbed animals such as humans, likely evolved the foundation for rear legs even before the move to land, researchers say.