Often called the Phantom of the North, the great grey owl ("Strix nebulosa") has been seen in Coquitlam over the past month.
Eagles could be flying high on February 9, as the Philadelphia squad challenges the defending champion Kansas City Chiefs, ...
While sitting on a log watching a great gray owl, I was surprised when it locked on a position just to my right. As it left ...
It’s no secret that owls are a hot topic in the bird world. These birds of prey are fascinating, unique and rarely seen due ...
A great gray owl hunts from the top of a spruce tree along Minnesota Highway 61 on Saturday in Two Harbors. The great gray owl is a true owl, and is the world's largest species of owl by length.
An uncommon owl “irruption” has brought large numbers of owls to northeast Minnesota, and also brought a ton of tourists and ...
A northern hawk owl sighting in Okotoks has generated a great deal of interest among those in the birding community. Northern ...
Great Gray Owl (Wildwoods, January 11 ... Put it in a quiet, safe, and dark space. Don’t take photos, and please don’t show other people the owl, and then keep pets and everything else ...
The great grey owl is one of the largest owls in the world and Manitoba’s provincial bird. It’s not a very agile flier but is still a deadly predator. It prefers to strike from short distances ...