February 2nd marks the end of the Christmas season, as it is 40 days since the birth of Baby Jesus. It recalls when Simeon saw the baby in the temple, held him in his arms, praised God ...
Accordingly its consideration of the birth of Jesus starts with Paul’s references thereto: Galatians 4:4; Romans 1:3, 4 and 8:3, and Philippians 2:5–11. In Galatians four, Paul is talking ...
the two different Gospel Infancy Narratives by examining a series of scenes in each of the narratives; the unique characteristics of each account; the limits of our historical knowledge about Jesus’s ...
During this time, Mary gave birth to Jesus in a manger because there ... The Magi, guided by the star, found the baby Jesus with Mary in Bethlehem and overjoyed, worshipped Him, offering gifts ...
YouTuber Kabi Wa Jesus broke in tongues after the successful birth of his third baby at a posh hospital The elated father carried the newborn as he passionately prayed over her while his wife ...