The bill would prohibit landlords from raising a residential tenant’s rent and fees more than 7% in any 12-month period.
The Senate has swiftly approved legislation that would allow the District of Columbia to keep its budget intact.
District leaders say that a proposed cut to the city budget, part of a plan to avert a federal government shutdown, is unfair ...
Potential plans range from partnering more closely with Panamanian security forces to a less likely option of U.S. troops' ...
The Biden White House turned over government cellphones belonging to President Donald Trump and former Vice President Mike Pence to the FBI in May 2022.
A U.S. House of Representatives oversight subcommittee said on Thursday it is investigating the collision in January between ...
Ethics experts are sounding the alarm that the president's event with Elon Musk could eliminate the lines of proper ...
House Speaker Mike Johnson has accomplished the seemingly unexpected, keeping his Republican majority in line to fund the ...
The White House is urging federal agencies to refrain from laying off their cybersecurity teams, as they scramble to comply ...
Dave Weldon is likely to be questioned about measles infections, a plan to study a debunked link between vaccines and autism, ...
Washington House passed HB 1213, a bill to improve Paid Family Medical Leave, ensuring job protection for all workers.