Simon-Kucher's industry study reveals barriers and success factors for improving global pricing and marketing access ...
Managing clinical trial disclosures can be tedious and error-prone, opening the door to noncompliance. TrialScope Disclose provides a better way. Our centralized platform automates data entry and ...
The pharmaceutical industry sits on a treasure trove of data, brimming with the potential to revolutionize drug development, enhance patient care, and optimize commercial strategies. Yet, this vast ...
The life sciences industry contributed nearly $4 billion to the U.S. economy in 2021 and is expected to continue growing an average 7% to 8% per year over the next five years. With an increasing ...
Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to disrupt existing paradigms in drug development, with early adopters experiencing both the benefits and challenges of this innovative technology. With that in ...
Read these useful insights to answer the following questions: ...
A: ZINC FINGER NUCLEASE (ZFN) TECHNOLOGIES are leading the field into in vivo human studies, and we expect other technologies will eventually catch up. Innovation in delivery technology will enable ...
Inozyme's CEO and chairman Douglas Treco shares his thoughts about the rousing success of the Orphan Drug Act, but cautions rare disease drug developers against sky high and inaccessible drug pricing ...
A: TODAY, WE ARE USED TO SEEING SHAREHOLDERS use proxy battles to insert their representatives into the board of directors (eg. Medicines Company and Ariad). Further, the makeup of a typical company’s ...
If there's anyone qualified to analyze an early-stage therapeutic technology and place bets with other people's money, it's scientist-turned-venture capitalist Jonathan Behr, Ph.D. He built a ...
ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS TO DO DURING THE TRANSITION is put aside your preconceived notions and listen. We all think we know a lot about our industry partners and other components of the ...
CEO Corner articles are written by presidents or CEOs of biopharmaceutical or medical device companies that create a drug or device. These articles discuss global industry trends, experiences, and ...