The huge camera bezel and partnership with Leica aren't just for show. The Xiaomi 15 Ultra is an example of a phone that has all the features you'd expect from a premium phone, except for the cameras, ...
Here is a collection of must-see movies about artificial intelligence that will definitely challenge your perspective on the future of technology development. Movies have always been a great source of ...
We were in Barcelona again for the MWC trade fair. The goal? To comb through all the pavilions and halls in search of those technological gems that make our skin crawl. As soon as I entered the ...
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC), the world's largest chipmaker, will invest at least $100 billion to expand chip production in the United States. At a recent press conference, President ...
Samsung has announced the start of sales of the long-awaited Galaxy A56 smartphone. The novelty is already available for purchase on the European market, and it is also suitable for slightly more ...
The Xiaomi 15 Ultra is a phone that you can tell right away from its size and absurdly large camera bezel that it's no joke. The Xiaomi 15, on the other hand, is a sleeping dragon that doesn't flaunt ...
Prvi je takoj očiten – oblika slušalk je zelo nenavadna in takoj ti je jasno, da so specializirane za eno samcato področje, ...
Pred začetkom konference Game Developers Google napoveduje, da bodo vse mobilne igre za Android privzeto na voljo v storitvi ...
Strokovnjaki podjetja Mikrografija vam bodo skupaj z gosti predstavili navdihujoče primere iz prakse ter najnovejše ideje in ...
Intel je tri mesece po odhodu prejšnjega direktorja Pata Gelsingerja imenoval novega izvršnega direktorja. Novi izvršni ...
Čeprav cene litija v zadnjem času padajo, to proizvajalcev električnih vozil ni odvrnilo od iskanja alternativ. Med vsemi ...
Prve Huaweieve slušalke z ušesnimi zankami združujejo udobnost odprte zasnove z izjemnim na nizke tone osredotočenim zvokom.