What constitutes a ghetto ? Zeyad Masroor Khan offers an intimate portrayal of life in a marginalized neighbourhood shaped by ...
Lawyer, feminist activist and a prominent figure of the Syrian opposition, Dima Moussa advocates for an inclusive political transition, the establishment of genuine democratic institutions, and the ...
In the tradition of Marcel Mauss, Pierre Lemonnier examines the male initiation rites of the Baruya of New Guinea not in terms of the signifier that can be attached to them, but rather the action on ...
À propos de : Marie Houllemare, Justices d'empire. La répression dans les colonies françaises au XVIIIe siècle, Puf ...
Docteure en histoire moderne à Sorbonne Université, Anna Forestier est spécialiste de l’histoire de l’empire colonial français, de l’histoire des Caraïbes et des milices. Associée au Centre Roland Mou ...
Bénédicte Lombart, infirmière et cadre supérieure de santé, spécialisée en analgésie pédiatrique, coordonne aujourd’hui la ...
Léo Pellerin is a geographer affiliated to EHESS (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales) and to the Centre of Indian and South Asian Studies, Paris ( CEIAS - CNRS ). His research focuses on the ...
Diplômée de Sciences Po Paris, Charlotte Canizo est actuellement doctorante boursière (Arts and Humanities Research Council et Clarendon scholarships) au département d’histoire de l’Université d’Oxfor ...
Dans un ouvrage récemment paru en Allemagne, Onur Erdur analyse le rôle souvent inaperçu du contexte colonial sur la pensée de plusieurs auteurs français de premier plan. Une entreprise éclairante, ...
The encounter between British miners and gay and lesbian activists during the strikes of 1984-85 was explored in the celebrated film Pride. A historian looks back at this memorable period and reveals ...
While public authorities currently seem to prefer to use incentives rather than constraints to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, economists are developing increasingly effective tools to measure the ...