Yes, they did it again! Before the game even launched, EA has already added microtransactions to the long-awaited Skate ...
A new Alpha Test has revealed the upcoming EA Skate title have added microtransactions to the equation, and it's not out of ...
EA has added microtransactions to Skate during its latest alpha test, and ahead of a release date announcement. As reported ...
Five years after it was first announced, Skate will launch in early access later this year, although EA is yet to give us a ...
For a long time, EA has been the butt of many jokes about how greedy it can be. Its then-CEO saying he wanted to charge us to ...
The new skate game is planned to be a free-to-play title, which means microtransactions are its only revenue source.
Electronic Arts and Full Circle began its recent Skate playtest and have activated microtransactions during the alpha test ...
We don't know when skate. is launching into early access, but you can be extra sure it'll have freemium currency to buy when ...
EA's upcoming Skate reboot has added microtransactions to its ongoing closed alpha test. It has already been confirmed that ...
To make sure this happens though, you have to use the same EA account for both playtesting and early access. While free-to-play games inevitably require microtransactions to keep the lights on ...
According to Insider Gaming, microtransactions became available with the latest update for Skate. They're called San Van ...
The next Skate game from EA, announced eons ago and developed alongside its community, has added microtransactions to its ...