The Legend of Zelda fans just got some bad news ahead right at the end of the Nintendo Switch generation, and right before ...
Discover the best and worst non-Nintendo Zelda games, from the infamous CD-i titles to Capcom’s hidden gems like The Minish ...
The Master Quest for Ocarina of Time helped to offer a new experience for returning players, and should be a part of Zelda games moving forward.
Most recent release: The team most recently worked with partners on Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition and Alarmo.
You can now tune out the world to Link’s most memorable 16-bit adventure as Nintendo has added 31 tracks from the Super ...
The Nintendo Switch is one of the best selling consoles of all time, and it's largely thanks to its stellar software.
This game originally made its debut on the Super Famicom and SNES in 1991/92 and is filled with all sorts of legendary tunes.
The Legend Of Zelda was never my series growing up. My dad, who introduced me to video games, was all in on the then-newcomer ...
Nintendo Music has officially added the soundtrack to The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past! Find out more about this OST ...