We welcome unsolicited pitches and articles via the form below. Before submitting ... Blogs: 600-1500 words, may be a summary of a recent news event, an analysis of an ongoing trend, an op ...
In fact, your interaction with Help Me Write is itself a form of collaboration. You prompt Help Me Write to generate text, its results may in turn give you ideas for how to approach a topic ...
Nature journals prefer authors to write in the active voice ("we performed ... is enhanced by being presented in concise and focused form in the print/online journal, emphasizing the key ...
This can come in the form of researched facts or a description ... In the final paragraph, end with a reflection or summary of your experience.
You can also write about something that illustrates an aspect of your background or identity, or a time you demonstrated leadership. These types of essays typically stand out to admissions ...
POLITICO Magazine is POLITICO’s main vehicle for long-form reporting, feature writing, essays, commentary and analysis. We accept pieces from outside writers and we’re always in the market for ...