The Swiss town of Neuchâtel is offering its residents a novel medical option: Expose yourself to art and get a doctor’s note ...
Did you know that nearly 80% of Americans report feeling overwhelmed by their daily responsibilities In a world where the ...
Ala Ebtekar’s new cyanotypes for Arion Press were exposed using moon and starlight during a partial lunar eclipse ...
To me, that’s what makes it all worth it. “ Allen is already on to her next project. You can follow her work on her Facebook page.
His exacting views about art and the art world were held under the same scrutiny he applied to his own work. He never settled for the comfortable, the easy, always going deeper into what the work ...
An experimental art installation Aethera ... who found inspiration for this work after the loss of his mother. His creations reflect on memory, love, and the healing process through grief.