We condense from an English exchange a description, of the white, or rather, tawny-colored powder lately devised by Captain Schultze of the Prussian service, and which, under the auspices of at ...
The FBI and the U.S. Postal Inspection Service on Tuesday were investigating the origin of suspicious packages that have been sent to or received by elections officials in more than 15 states, but ...
A Cuban migrant brought a "white powdery substance" to an Immigration ... "The building was evacuated and individuals were quarantined until the powder was identified." The uniformed security ...
The office received an envelope containing a note that read, "Die a painful death, Muslims," and a white powder, according to CAIR staff attorney Maha Sayed. "Our fear is at a pretty high level at ...
A bag with a “white powdery substance” sent a scare ... Both the guard and migrant were at first quarantined until the powder was identified before they were taken to the hospital as a ...