Von Braun became an advocate for space exploration during the 1950s. He eventually became part of NASA, where he became the chief architect of the Saturn V launch vehicle, the super booster that ...
In 1950, they relocated to Huntsville, Alabama, where Wernher von Braun led the team that developed the Saturn V rocket that would later send Americans to the moon. During Huntsville's ...
He was also the primary engineer of the Saturn V rocket, which launched the Apollo moon missions and the Skylab space station. Wernher von Braun was also once a Nazi party member and SS officer ...
Wernher von Braun ist schon zu Lebzeiten zu legendärem Ruhm gelangt. Sein Photo prangt auf Titelseiten von Illustrierten; sein Gesicht kennen mehr Menschen als das des Präsidenten der ...