Ground meat is the easy-to-prep foundation for meatballs, curries, nachos, burgers and more must-have dinners.
When you harvest your spring turkey, you’ll want to tap this recipe to use those extra bits and pieces of meat you can ...
Place a piece of plastic wrap on top of meat. Use a rolling pin to pound meat, pushing outward, until breast is about ¾-inch thick and roughly rectangular in shape. Remove plastic wrap.
But that lack of fat is the reason turkey burgers have gotten a bad reputation for being dry and tough. The solution? Mix a small amount of olive oil into the meat before cooking. F&W's guide ...
Wild turkey is my all-time favorite game meat. It’s easy to cook, it has plenty of rich flavor, and it’s just about impossible to beat fried turkey nuggets dipped in spicy barbecue sauce. Talk to any ...
The two most highly regarded breeds of turkey are the Norfolk Black and the Bronze. The Norfolk Black was once the favoured eating bird in Britain, but this superior bird was very quickly dropped ...
Turkey breasts might be the nemesis of every Thanksgiving cook out there. By the time the thighs and drumsticks actually come to an edible temperature, the breast can be overcooked and completely ...
Try this healthier twist on a classic family recipe. Turkey is traditionally leaner than chicken and using mince made with thigh meat helps to keep these meatballs really moist. Heat half the oil ...
Pair ground turkey with white beans and a robust dried chile purée for a bowl of winter comfort with major body and richness. Spice up your weeknight stir-fry game with tender ground meat ...