Trees are being carefully removed at Slidell's historic Greenwood Cemtery under a $60K program to remove and replace ...
Officials say it will take decades to replace and revitalize trees at the national memorial in Somerset County to the crew ...
The village has brought on Alexia Friend, a landscape architect and Great Neck resident, as a contractor to help choose a ...
An Aussie council plans to cut down a row of trees that have kept a street shaded since the end of WWII due to concerns they’re damaging footpaths, blocking drains, and competing with overhead ...
Warming temperatures have caused the trees to bloom earlier than they should — leaving the blossoms vulnerable to late-winter ...
The city may raise ordinance fees and fines on Main Street and neighborhood developers who cut down the historic canopy on ...
It's being turned into mulch and seedlings for ... s beloved "Stumpy," to make room for the restoration.Those trees will be replaced after construction is complete. Japan is renewing its original ...