Transposable elements, or "jumping genes", were first identified by Barbara McClintock more than 50 years ago. Why are transposons so common in eukaryotes, and exactly what do they do? In addition ...
For decades, scientists dismissed transposable elements, also known as transposons or “jumping genes”, as useless “junk DNA”. But are they really? The early speculations of both McClintock ...
Dr. Cheng hypothesized that latent HSV-1 infections could trigger Alzheimer's disease by directly activating the transposable elements the Cheng Lab had previously connected to disease progression ...
Scientists have uncovered a link between human herpesvirus and Alzheimer's, showing how viral-driven transposable elements accelerate brain degeneration. The good news? Antiviral drugs like ...
Get Instant Summarized Text (Gist) Human herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) may contribute to Alzheimer's disease by activating transposable elements in the brain, disrupting genetic processes, and ...
Dr. Cheng hypothesized that latent HPV-1 infections could trigger Alzheimer’s disease by directly activating the transposable elements the Cheng Lab had previously connected to disease ...