At Stotz Dairy, there are two cow breeds: Holstein and Jersey. Holstein, known for their iconic black-and-white spots, is the most common breed in dairy farming. They produce more milk.
The best cow breed for a farmer depends on their goals, if they want the highest volume of milk, Sahiwal is a clear choice and Gir for high-fat milk.
These calves help fill the gaps left by declining beef cow numbers, which have been exacerbated by years ... which yield more lean red meat and higher-value products than pure dairy breeds. Genetic ...
A classroom pet isn’t always a workable scenario for an elementary school teacher. But when that pet can help students learn ...
The Guernsey has been one of the most popular breeds of ... of the Expo, dairy producers arranged with Sunnymeade Farms 75 miles south of St. Louis, to have its prized cow, Elm Farm Ollie, loaded ...
The higher fat content of Jerseys compared to other breeds was another factor which was creating interest in the breed. “Jerseys are a very profitable dairy cow,” Mr Barrett said.