The Quantessence of Reality, former SFI External Professor Sander Bais offers a three-volume set that reviews classical ...
Wordsmith World, the publisher of popular Christian author Betty Johansen, has announced the release of her latest book which is called ‘The ...
As levels of religious affiliation continue to drop in Western society, can stories about the faith lives of women past and present lead people back to churches, to temples, to monasteries—to God?
7. The Coming Golden Age by David Jeremiah (Thomas Nelson: $30) A guide to the second coming of Christ from a Bible teacher and pastor. 8. Something Lost, Something Gained by Hillary Rodham ...
As of 2018, it has sold more than 30 million copies—a good portion of them in hardcover. For years ... an honor it shared with the Bible.
Coming in October from Chalice, The Bible According to Christian Nationalists: Exploiting Scripture for Political Power argues that history and the Bible are being distorted by power-seekers.