The console has proved itself a powerhouse for turn-based titles in the past, and it's no stranger to a TMNT title or two, either. Have a look at the following screens from the Tactical Takedown ...
Carve through enemies in 20 constantly mutating levels that grow, shrink, and add new threats with each turn, inspired by classic TMNT games! Rack up points for high scores while experiencing a ...
While the TMNT characters are most commonly associated with arcade brawlers, Tactical Takedown is the first ever turn-based game based on the property. The characters appear in the game as ...
The game will also keep some familiar elements from classic TMNT titles, such as health restoring pizzas (hot dogs also help). While the Ninja Turtles can use their special skills to take down ...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection bundles up 13 classic TMNT games ... It offers online multiplayer access, a monthly assortment of free PS4 and PS5 games, cloud storage ...
including online play for certain games and local couch play, the ability to save anytime and rewind, button mapping, unique development art & sketches, historic TMNT media content and more!
March’s PS Plus Essential games will be available for download through March 31. PlayStation Plus Essential is the lowest tier available in SIE’s subscription service. It offers online ...