The number of primary and secondary syphilis cases in young women rose dramatically in the late 1980s and early 1990s, due to illicit drug use and the exchange of drugs for sex. Of infants born to ...
Meningitis pada anak bisa disebabkan oleh virus atau bakteri. Komplikasi penyakit ini bahkan bisa menyebabkan kematian. Baca ...
Cerebral palsy adalah masalah medis jangka panjang yang bisa dideteksi sejak dini. Ketahui penanganannya di sini!
Congenital syphilis occurs when the infection is passed from a mother to their baby during pregnancy. The infection is dealt with by ensuring pregnant people are screened for syphilis and are ...
Congenital syphilis is a chronic infection that affects multiple organs. It may lead to premature birth or stillbirth. Even if the baby is born without any symptoms, bone deformities, eye disease ...
Pregnancy brings an exciting and busy nine months of preparation before baby’s arrival. It also includes an assortment of ...
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection that can cause serious problems if not treated – and it can pass from a pregnant woman to her unborn baby. This is called congenital syphilis.
However, some types of head shaking may suggest an issue. In this article, we examine the reasons why a baby may shake their head. We also look at related medical conditions for head shaking and ...
Cases of congenital syphilis are on the rise in Arkansas. Credit: Arkansas Department of Health Data from the Arkansas Department of Health shows that cases of congenital syphilis — cases in ...
Despite syphilis being a treatable sexually transmitted disease — which untreated pregnant mothers pass on to their infants as congenital syphilis, South Africa has reported 1 739 congenital ...