Restless legs is also associated with blood sugar fluctuation, so eating regular meals, perhaps with a healthy snack such as fresh fruit and raw nuts, may help control your symptoms.
People with a swollen limb condition are being denied a ... channels that leaves sufferers with heavy and painful arms and legs. The operation requires intricate microsurgery, using high-powered ...
I happened to be drinking chamomile tea during an episode of restless legs – which I get night and day – when the symptoms eased. I thought it was a fluke, but another time I had a cup before ...
You can clear up strawberry legs, but KP has no cure. Home remedies—such as exfoliating and moisturizing your skin—help reduce the appearance of strawberry legs. KP sometimes resists treatment ...
It sucks there's no cure but at least I can try to manage ... a GP if they are experiencing symptoms of lipoedema, such as swollen legs, ankles or feet that do not improve after several days.
Varicose veins are swollen, twisted veins that often appear just under the skin, usually in the legs. They can cause discomfort and may affect one's sleep, daily routine and also lifestyle.