Supersonic flight means breaking the sound barrier, but there are some myths as to what pilots actually feel at Mach 1.
But while the successful test flight of XB-1 shows that supersonic flight without sonic booms is technically feasible, the next phase is making it economically feasible. Right now, both subsonic and ...
Boom Supersonic built a supersonic plane for a fraction of the cost of NASA's X-59. Now all that's left to do is build it ...
The Convair B-58 “Hustler” first took to the skies in the mid-1950s and would serve the Air Force through the next decade.
We flew on Bombardier's Global 7500 from San Luis Obispo, California, to London, England, to set the jet's 100th city-pair ...
Following a few more ground tests, it will fly over numerous cities around the country. NASA will ask people on the ground if ...
"This reduces risk and ensures we're not learning about problems in the air." NASA's experimental X-59 aircraft continues to make progress toward its first flight with a new successful round of ...
With increasing scrutiny on the environmental consequences of flying, it is important to consider the effect of supersonic ...
Supersonic missiles fly at Mach 1-5, and hypersonic missiles are almost too fast to comprehend at Mach 5+. There are reasons why a military might employ a subsonic cruise missile over a hypersonic ...
Boom Supersonic, aka Concorde 2.0, is aiming to fly passengers from 2030. CEO Blake Scholl shares his plans with ...
Outside of commercial aviation, the variety of aircraft fosters a variety of top speeds—ranging from a comparably slow Cessna 172, to a supersonic F-22. Either way you fly, make sure you land ...