Dave Weatherson from Queen’s Mill in Castleford talks to Gayle Lofthouse.
For thousands of years, mankind has been milling flour — the process of turning grain into a very common ingredient. Some of the earliest known mills date back to roughly 6,700 B.C. in the Middle East ...
The Sana mill removed the intimidation factor completely ... I may not have set out to grind flour, but I was aware of stone-ground flour's benefits, as artisanal stone-milled flour company ...
Atta is a particularly finely ground flour due to the heavy stones that are typically used to mill it. The intensity of that ...
uncovered a disturbing practice at a local flour mill. During a recent raid, officials discovered over 400 kg of stone powder, identified as alabaster, being illicitly mixed into packets of flour ...
Floryo, founded in 2022 by Manohar Kumar, aspires to keep the traditional stone mill culture alive, serving flour that has all its nutritional value intact, unlike ultra-refined packaged products ...
Stone- ground flour has been ground in a mill between stones. It is considered more rustic and nutritional. It is common to see rye, maize and millet often available as stone ground.