I just asked.” That opportunity was the launchpad for Jobs' wider career success, eventually cofounding $3.5 trillion company Apple with Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne in 1976. And Jobs has ...
But as an expert in leadership and mental strength, I'd argue he was wrong — and I'm pretty sure Steve Jobs would agree ... while to work on your life, not just in it. Ask yourself: Where ...
Jobs’s team talked him out of it, so he gave Jay Elliott, a former IBM executive who’d just joined Apple ... “Part of Steve’s genius was that he looked for the right people who could ...
On what would have been his 70th birthday, the late Steve Jobs has been remembered by the archive that bears his name. It's October 23, 2007, and the Steve Jobs Archive says that it is the origin ...
But Kuo said the “worst part” came just recently “when it came time ... matter in a similar way to how Cook’s predecessor, Steve Jobs, dealt with the so-called “antennagate” crisis ...