A spokesperson for Paqui confirmed with PEOPLE that the product was taken off shelves. It previously inspired a viral trend on social media where people would eat the spicy chip containing ...
The chip is peppered with an "insane amount ... I cannot imagine why. While Paqui has a line of adequately spicy chips fit for everyday consumption, their fans wanted to "test themselves with ...
"Paqui’s One Chip Challenge was intended for adults only, with clear and prominent labeling highlighting that the product was not for children or anyone sensitive to spicy foods or with ...
Sheff said the parties created ''a perfect storm'' that led to Wolobah's death that included Paqui producing the spicy chip and encouraging people to post videos of themselves eating the chip on ...
The challenge from Paqui involves eating a spicy chip containing Carolina Reaper and Naga Viper Peppers without drinking or eating anything else Sabrina Weiss is the Editorial Assistant of PEOPLE ...
finish a spicy chip without drinking or eating other food ... Voice 1: The product, manufactured by Paqui, instructs participants to eat the chip and see how long they can go without consuming ...