The arrival of snowdrops is a sign of "hope" during the harsh winter months, a head gardener has said. Flowering from January ...
At this time of year, gardens all around the country open specially so that visitors can enjoy their spectacular displays of ...
Snowdrops typically bloom from January to March, but this can vary from year to year based on the weather and where you live.
Take Galanthus elwesii ‘Grumpy’, for example, where the distinctive marking of its inner tepals – two green spots above an inverted V – give the cartoonishly Eeyore-ish impression of a frowning face.
"There are thousands of snowdrop varieties, there are even some that flower in autumn," said the show's panellist Anne Swithinbank. Ms Swithinbank has been a panellist on the radio show for 31 ...
Altamont Gardens in Tullow, Co. Carlow welcomes visitors to experience the beauty of Snowdrop Month, from February 1 - 28.
Charlotte Vowden/BBC Snowdrops grow in clumps and can reach a height of 15cm More than 80 varieties of snowdrop, including a scented one called S. Arnott, are grown at Evenley Wood Garden.