We had scheduled this whole interview on Snapchat. Kobach casually slid into my DMs on Twitter when he noticed me screenshotting and tweeting out his snaps. Kobach is the guy, among the sea of ...
Love your Bitmoji? You can rep it if you fancy. Snapchat offers custom Bitmoji merch at the Snap Store: stickers, mugs, t-shirts, sweatpants, phone cases. Tap the Bitmoji on the top left corner of ...
Marketers will now have the ability to bond with followers in an intimate manner on Snapchat with the introduction of Bitmoji capabilities in which users can now integrate the image generator into ...
In an Instagram post, a Muslim sheikh was asked "Is it permissible to create and use Bitmoji on Snapchat?" The Sheikh answered: "It's permissible Inshala." He maintained that it shouldn't be ...