For the purpose of admitting this needful refreshment, most of the ships in the slave trade are provided, between the decks, with five or six air-ports on each side of the ship, of about five ...
One was the Society's emblem. The other was this plan of the Liverpool slave ship, the Brookes. Below the plan was a detailed description of the Brookes and information about the ship's trading ...
Action-filled drama about a ship captain, ashamed of his background in the slave trade, forced against his will to again transport human cargo.
The slave ship Brooks was first drawn and published in an abolitionist broadside by William Elford and the Plymouth chapter of the Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade in ...
William Wilberforce used the model during the Abolition Campaign to demonstrate the horrors of the Middle Passage.The model was based on an actual slave ship built in Liverpool in 1780-81 and co ...
Onimata Kan is famous for two things: a successful career writing S&M erotica, and hosting the erotic gatherings aboard what has come to be known as the Slave Ship, where the main attraction is ...