We love our chili here in Cincinnati but one Ohio native is going to new lengths to show it. Joey Kinsley, known as Sir Yacht on X just finished a new challenge. He ate Skyline every hour for a ...
Being from the Midwest, I’m especially knowledgeable about dairy products, taking two hours to say goodbye at family functions and Skyline Chili. If you’ve never had the pleasure of sampling ...
Skyline Chili is turning its noodles green for two days next week. Beginning Sunday, March 16, order your favorite Way to celebrate St. Patrick's Day, with Skyline's classic 3-Ways, 4-Ways and 5 ...
CINCINNATI (WXIX) - Skyline Chili is offering “Green Ways” with shamrock green spaghetti again this year just in time for St. Patrick’s Day. You can order green 3-Ways, 4-Ways and 5-Ways ...
Skyline Chili is bringing back a popular menu item for several weeks to celebrate National Chili Day.From Monday through March 9, Skyline Chili customers can purchase a Sky-Way, which adds 50 ...
CINCINNATI (WKRC) - Skyline reintroduced a fan-favorite dish to celebrate National Chili Day. The signature Cincinnati restaurant announced in a press release that customers could get the Sky-Way ...