Sharp-tailed grouse hunters in Minnesota and North Dakota are being asked to send in wing samples from harvested birds. The samples will go through DNA analysis and be used to evaluate the genetic ...
Thanks to a friend who owns the land, I had scoped out a place to set up my blind and be able to study and film the mating dance and display of the sharp-tailed grouse (tympanuchus phasianellus).
Most sharp-tailed grouse hunting is now found in Nebraska, the Dakotas, Montana, and southern portions of the prairie provinces of Canada.
Minnesota’s ruffed grouse spring drumming counts were significantly lower than last year across most of their range, according to a report released by the Minnesota Department of Natural ...
My recent column about a good-natured disagreement over ruffed grouse and sharp-tailed grouse names struck a chord with a handful of readers and made for some fun discourse. In case you missed the ...