Aug. 6, 2006, my wife and I were blessed to participate in Sunday school and worship with Jimmy Carter at Maranatha Baptist ...
I’ve been thinking about commitment in a culture of individualism. So much of the current thinking about personal well being vaunts the values of freedom and independence. Being true to ...
One of the great questions we each get to answer multiple times every day is whether we will choose to be selfish or a servant. Life at home, at school, at work, at church and in our neighborhoods ...
Coming from five countries, with diverse professional experiences, seven men were ordained to serve as deacons Feb. 1. For ...
Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy seven times.” He told the parable to explain. When the king heard about this, he called for the first servant. “You wicked servant ...
This miracle is an example of Jesus’ inclusion of everyone as he heals the servant of a Roman officer. The Roman officer was a kind man as he cared about his servants. Many others would not have ...