TV sitcom Channel 4 1984 - 1986 13 episodes (2 series) Major Harry Kitchener Wellington Truscott has devoted his life to the army but he has now been cast onto the scrapheap ... Smith is the ...
The Avengers: Secret Wars cast may have added an actor from the original ... same when he used the stones to defeat Thanos and his army. After the team's victory, Chris Evans' Captain America ...
The story tells that during the Republic of China Zhang Xiaozhi Qianyan and Yangling were threatened by the riot warlord Li Yufei and forced to go to the Shenlong Underground Palace to solve the ...
Despite this, his fondness for The Fall And Rise Of Reginald Perrin character Major Jimmy Anderson led him to ignore his own advice when planning Fairly Secret Army. The writer had fallen in love with ...