Very few humans have gone up against bird flu. But we've all dealt with seasonal flu for years. Some of our immune systems ...
Kennedy Jr., stirring questions about whether seasonal flu shots or other lifesaving vaccines will be delayed or harder to access. ACIP typically meets three times a year, in February, June and ...
Apathy about shots, diseases like flu may be just as big a threat to public health efforts as vaccine mistrust.
The Food and Drug Administration has issued recommendations for the composition of influenza shots for the upcoming respiratory virus season, but without input from its independent vaccine advisers.
It takes about two weeks to build immunity after taking the flu shot, so people need to take their yearly jab just before the ...
Flu season is still impacting people across eastern Idaho and western Wyoming even as temperatures rise, according to health ...
The flu vaccine’s future is murky after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration abruptly canceled its committee meeting to recommend the makeup of seasonal flu shots for the 2025-26 influenza season.
That tool, used regularly when seasonal flu shots require updating, sidestepped the need to run a series of clinical trials that could have added as much as a year to the race to get vaccines into ...
including $5 million for providing seasonal flu shots, Reuters reported.) The local health department did eventually provide paper masks and COVID testing, and it took about two weeks “before ...