*Alternate courses for MSTP students: IBIS 401-404. MSTP students in the CBTP do not need to take CBIO 453, CBIO 455, PATH 510 or PATH 416, although PATH 416 may still be taken as a Track Elective.
This is a sample curriculum only. There are many other possibilities for completing the BS/MS requirements in Applied Mathematics. For example, a BS/MS student can also take courses leading to Java or ...
* When selecting humanities and social sciences (HSS) electives, students should consult the college’s degree requirements in this area. ** A list of college-approved writing courses can be found on ...
Below you will find sample application materials from past and present Custom-Designed major (CSDN) students. These tools are here to help you understand how the Vision Statement and plan-of-study ...
Curriculum mapping is a method to align instruction with desired program goals and student learning outcomes. It can also be used to explore what is taught and how. The following sample highlights a ...
Curriculum mapping is a process through which program learning outcomes are linked to specific courses. This is done in such a way that a table is created to indicate the courses where each learning ...