An curved arrow pointing right. Sake has been brewed in Japan for thousands of years. The most expensive kind, made with polished grains of rice, is called junmai daiginjo. One bottle can easily ...
Twenty-seven of the region's brewers had each made a sake with the rice. Ozaki poured his. It had a lush, sweet-tart finish reminiscent of strawberries and cream. It was entirely unlike the ...
Unlike the world of standard wine, the fundamentals of sake -- and other rice-based spirits -- remains more opaque to the average U.S. consumer. Yet just like wine, shopping with intention when it ...
As snow melts in Yonezawa, it provides water used for growing rice. Beautiful time-lapse images show how a 400-year-old brewery turns this rice into sake, using human expertise instead of machines.
Q: What are the main points of sake-brewing? A: There are three main processes: (1) steaming the raw materials, rice and barley; (2) growing koji bacteria on the steamed rice and barley to make ...
Brewery Asahi Shuzo Co. held its first-ever contest in 2019 to find the best Yamada Nishiki rice variety to use in Dassai, a renowned “junmai daiginjo” (sake specially brewed with pure rice ...