acetic acid is safe and can be used for cooking, cleaning, and other household purposes. It does not contain artificial fragrances, dyes, or added chemicals like many commercial products.
Harris recommends that dog and cat owners follow these cleaning tips to minimize risk, even when using products that ...
Studies reveal that the air inside our homes is more polluted than the air outdoors, and a portion of these toxins come from ...
giving cleaning companies free-range to falsely market their products. Look for bottles that have third-party certifications that prove they are safe and sustainable. These include EPA Safer ...
Lemon juice has natural antibacterial properties that make it a great disinfectant option for dog-friendly homes. Mix lemon ...
5. Clean away from your cat Your cat will thank you if you do your best to clean when your cat isn’t in the room. The noise ...
The FCC suggests disinfecting your phone daily, but not all cleaning methods are safe. Harsh chemicals and abrasive materials ...
Sale is happening right now, which means you can save hundreds on indoor exercise equipment to help you prepare for summer.