Rothera with the RRS James Clark Ross The next stage of building a scientific support facility in Antarctica has started and to avoid the risk of introducing COVID-19 to the British Antarctic ...
On Tuesday 21 June researchers and operational staff at BAS’ King Edward Point, Bird Island and Rothera Research Station took part in a decades old tradition to mark the Antarctic Winter Solstice.
Scientific American is part of Springer Nature, which owns or has commercial relations with thousands of scientific publications (many of them can be found at www ...
Staff at Rothera Research Station, the UK’s largest research station, are hoping to make time to enjoy a few mince pies and watch some Christmas films. Working in Antarctica can be isolating ...
Staff at Rothera Research Station, the UK’s largest research station, are hoping to make time to enjoy a few mince pies and watch some Christmas films. But the crews will also continue their ...
The biggest base, Rothera, on the Antarctic Peninsula houses 19 winterers – the population can reach 100 in the Summer. Furthest south still is Halley VI on the Brant ice shelf where the Sun ...
Current local time in Rothera (Antarctica/Rothera timezone). Get information about the Antarctica/Rothera time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is applicable) ...