A rotator cuff tear is marked by damage to one (or more) of the four tendons that stabilize the shoulder joint. Warning signs of a torn rotator cuff are typically felt in the shoulder area.
Some people mistakenly call this the rotor cup or rotary cup, but the actual name is the rotator cuff. Damage to the cuff can come from a very specific trauma to a slow gradual onset of wear and ...
Background Pathology of the soft tissues of the shoulder including the musculotendinous rotator cuff and subacromial bursa are extremely common and are a principal cause of pain and suffering.
An MRI revealed that Murphy sustained a torn labrum and a partial tear of the rotator cuff in his right shoulder, the team ...
which minimises the time needed for implantation and avoids the risk of additional tendon damage. Atreon Orthopedics CEO Ronald Bracken said: "We're excited to expand our rotator cuff augmentation ...
as his offseason throwing work was delayed until January due to a small tear in the tendon of his right rotator cuff. Phillips confirmed his status to reporters on Friday, saying that “Opening ...