When Vespasian left Judaea to march on Italy, he left Titus in charge of his campaign against the Jewish ... he was made commander of the Praetorian Guard. He led the military arm of Vespasian ...
Seeking revenge, the Praetorian Guard stormed the palace and demanded ... Shortly before Nerva died, Roman generals had debated who should be the next emperor. They chose Trajan, a former army ...
If there was ever a risk to the Emperor, his special protectors, the Praetorian Guard, would be called in. The Roman God of Justice was called Justitia and she holds the scales of justice.
In A.D. 68, the Praetorian guard, the forces in charge of protecting ... All but one of the coins in the hoard are silver denarii, a standard Roman coin, that were minted between 157 B.C. and ...