But if Brock from Pokémon Red & Blue taught players anything, it's that it's hard to find Pokemon tougher than those of the Rock variety. Rock-type Pokemon come in varying shapes and sizes ...
Mega Pinsir is returning to Pokemon Go during the Might and Mastery season. Trainers can battle this Bug/Flying-type Mega ...
Meanwhile, the STAB power of Rock Wrecker can wipe out an Yvetal before it’s had a chance. Of course, it has a huge weakness to Water-type moves, which is why you generally always need either a ...
The best Pokemon GO Mega Lucario counters must possess moves that the monster is weak against. Fighting, Fire, and ...
Mega Manectric provides fast and high Electric-type DPS to exploit Tornadus’s weakness. Mega Rayquaza: Equipped with Dragon Tail and Dragon Ascent, Mega Rayquaza deals massive Rock-type damage ...