German defense contractor Rheinmetall’s stock price has skyrocketed more than 1,000% since Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022. As ...
Rheinmetall is considering acquiring one of Volkswagen's soon-to-be idle plants, part of a broader rearmament in Europe.
Rheinmetall RHM5.05%increase; green up pointing triangle said it expects sales to grow by between 25% and 30% this year, and is likely to lift its guidance in the comings months to better capture ...
German arms maker Rheinmetall on Wednesday said it expects 2025 sales to jump by 25-30% this year, amid expectations of "major high-volume orders from military customers" that could gain a further ...
SALES FORECAST: The German arms maker expects to confirm sales of around 10 billion euros ($10.83 billion) in 2024, up by 39.45% year-on-year, due to stronger performance in the second half, as Europe ...
German arms manufacturer Rheinmetall said Wednesday moves by European capitals to up their defences and reduce their reliance on the United States were an unprecedented growth opportunity for the ...
FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - Jahreszahlen und Ausblick haben die Aktien von Rheinmetall am Mittwoch auf ein Rekordhoch getrieben. Die Papiere des deutschen Rüstungskonzerns kletterten um über 9 Prozent auf 1 ...
By Melissa Eddy Reporting from Berlin The German defense contractor Rheinmetall, Europe’s largest producer of munitions, said on Wednesday that it was positioned to profit from the region’s ...
BERLIN (Reuters) - Rheinmetall, a major beneficiary of Europe's big push to invest in defence, said on Wednesday it expects significant sales growth in 2025 and that it would update its outlook to ...