The Star Wars franchise may have just unveiled the first student for Rey's new Jedi Order. Rey's loose-titled "New Jedi Order" Star Wars movie is one of the many theatrical projects expected from ...
The last Jedi Master is gone; the fact that it was the best possible story circumstances, that it was such a beautiful and fitting death that set Rey up as his successor, doesn’t alleviate the blow.
Jedi Master-in-hiding Luke Skywalker unwillingly attempts to guide young hopeful Rey in the ways of the force, while Leia, former princess turned general, attempts to lead what is left of the ...
To take the step from Youngling to Padawan, a Jedi must take on the task of assembling their own lightsaber. Only then can they truly begin their training. This kit contains the materials you need to ...
The Mysterio family has left an indelible mark on wrestling. Rey Misterio Sr., a pioneer, passed away in December 2024. He influenced Rey Mysterio Jr., who popularized Lucha Libre. Currently, Rey ...
“This is not going to go the way you think!” Luke Skywalker warns Rey on the Jedi Temple island of Ahch-To. It sounds like a quote designed for a trailer but now feels like the opening line ...